Develop your versatility by taking on the Versatility Factor 21 Day Challenge
Masculine Week
Day 1 - Introduction: watch video and share what you found interesting on MakeMe mobile application.
Day 2 - Develop a masculine trait of your choice: pick a masculine trait and work on displaying it for the day, share what your trait is as well as a picture of you displaying this trait on MakeMe.
Day 3 - So What: share what you learned about your own masculinity and why it is important to your personality or leadership style on MakeMe.
Day 4 - Observe a masculine person: pick your favorite female celebrity who displays strong masculine characteristics, share who this actor is as well as why they are your favorite on MakeMe.
Day 5 - So What: share what you learned about other people's masculinity and why it is important to their personality or leadership style on MakeMe.
Day 6 - Observe masculinity in your organization: observe and analyze your organization's masculine traits and share what you learned on MakeMe.
Day 7 - So What: share what you learned about your organization's masculinity and why it is important to the culture of your organization on MakeMe.
Feminine Week
Day 1 - Introduction: watch a video and share what you found interesting on MakeMe mobile application.
Day 2 - Develop a feminine trait of your choice: pick a feminine trait and work on displaying it for the day, share what your trait is as well as a picture of you displaying this trait on MakeMe.
Day 3 - So What: share what you learned about your own femininity and why it is important to your personality or leadership style on MakeMe.
Day 4 - Observe a feminine person: pick your favorite male celebrity who displays strong feminine characteristics, share who this actor is as well as why they are your favorite on MakeMe.
Day 5 - So What: share what you learned about other people's femininity and why it is important to their personality or leadership style on MakeMe.
Day 6 - Observe femininity in your organization: observe and analyze your organization's feminine traits and share what you learned on MakeMe.
Day 7 - So What: share what you learned about your organization's femininity and why it is important to the culture of your organization on MakeMe.
Versatility Week
Day 1 - Introduction: watch video and share what you found interesting on MakeMe mobile application.
Day 2 - Personal Evaluation: share on MakeMe which is more comfortable for you to display, masculine or feminine traits?
Day 3 - Barriers to Versatility: watch video on the barriers to versatility and share a screen shot of the video on MakeMe.
Day 4 - Unconscious Bias: take the online survey to see your unconscious bias toward gender and the workplace, share your reaction to the results on MakeMe.
Day 5 - How to become more versatile: watch video about developing your versatility and share a screen shot of the video to MakeMe.
Day 6 - Steps to developing personal versatility: share on MakeMe what steps you will take to increasing your personal versatility in everyday leadership.
Day 7 - Steps to developing your organization's versatility: share on MakeMe what steps your organization must take to increase its overall versatility.