When we talk about masculine and feminine strengths we are not talking about a person’s physical gender or gender identity. We are talking about archetypal strengths that apply to anyone or anything. Feminine strengths are simply a set of strengths that have historically been associated with women’s behaviors and biology and masculine strengths are a set of strengths that have historically been associated with men’s behaviors and biology. The terms masculine and feminine have been around since the inception of words and are used by psychologists, scholars, philosophers, marketers, architects and artists to describe polar opposite patterns.
Below are a few distinctions of what significant well known scholars have said constitutes key differences between masculine and feminine behaviors and archetypes.
Geert Hofstede's Creator of The 6 Dimensions of Culture Concept
The Masculinity side of the Masculinity vs. Femininity National Cultural dimension represents a preference in society for achievement, heroism, assertiveness and material rewards for success. Society at large is more competitive. Its opposite, femininity, stands for a preference for cooperation, modesty, caring for the weak and quality of life. Society at large is more consensus-oriented. In the business context Masculinity versus Femininity is sometimes also related to as "tough versus tender" cultures.
Sandra Bem Creator of the Bem Sex Role Inventory Concept
Masculine Terms: self reliant, defends own beliefs, independent, athletic, assertive, strong personality, forceful, analytical, leadership ability, willing to take risks, makes decisions easily, self-sufficient, dominant, masculine, willing to take a stand, aggressive, acts as a leader, individualistic, competitive, ambitious
Feminine Terms: yielding, cheerful, shy, affectionate, flatterable, loyal, feminine, sympathetic, sensitive to other's needs, understanding, compassionate, eager to soothe hurt feelings, soft spoken, warm, tender, gullible, childlike, does not use harsh language, loves children, gentle
Caroline Turner Creator of the Masculine/Feminine Continuum Concept
Masculine Terms: Hierarchy, Compete, Goal, Command, Declare, Role/Position, Direct, Stirup, Power over, Individual rights
Feminine Terms: Network, Collaborate, Process, Persuade, Disclaim, Relationship, Indirect, Smooth out, Power with, Competing responsibilities